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Our expertise

R&D and innovation

EDELTAMP 's R&D and innovation teams ensure the evolution and development of new products while respecting the feasibility of current techniques and regulations.

R&D and innovation

A breakthrough idea, an improvement, the source of successful value creation

For ambitious projects in the development phase, inspiration and creativity are key strengths of EDELTAMP. The R&D and innovation team develops tailor-made formulas for any project involving sustainable, functional and environmental use, even in constrained environments.

R&D and innovationR&D and innovation

Innovation, the driving force

Progress, breakthrough innovation, economic and regulatory change, mastery of the product life cycle, from design to recycling. Today even more than ever, R&D and innovation are at the heart of our customers' concerns.

R&D and innovation, possible ambitions

Our hybrid, multi-disciplinary approach, combining applied research and industrial production, means that EDELTAMP is frequently called upon for technology transfer in plastics and composites.  

Every year, to support innovation strategies on behalf of manufacturers, we carry out numerous pre-feasibility studies with the support of EDELTAMP's human and technological resources.

By applying this vision over a 4-year design cycle, EDELTAMP has created the innovative CICABLOC® concept that meets the requirements of DTU 23.1.

This product, designed to build walls by stacking formwork blocks made from plastic materials, is the first and only formwork block to obtain a favorable technical opinion for the manufacture of retaining walls (CSTB opinion no. 16/13-664 issued by the GS16 commission dedicated to special masonry products and processes).

A laboratory of ideas, EDELTAMP benefits from high-performance plastics processing equipment. Our company is committed to finding the best operational solutions that respect the environment. To achieve this, we keep a constant watch on new practices, innovative materials - especially bio-sourced materials - and cutting-edge thermoplastic injection technologies.